April 15, 2012

What Is Kefir and Why Is It Good For You?

I recently received Kefir from my brother and his wife who has been taking it for over a month. He wanted the rest of the house to try it, too. Why would he want us to try it?

Water Kefir (what I received) looks like a crystal with a jelly-like texture. I was told that it is good to drink it's water or eat it as is. I tried some Kefir grains, and it was tasteless.

Kefir is a bacteria that eats sugar, and is good to have after fascinating high sugar foods. I had to do some research, and found out that Kefir was recommended in The 17 Day Diet, which has been widely received by millions of people. So, It must be good.

There are two types of Kefir: Water Kefir and Milk Kefir. Water Kefir can taste carbonated and bubbly, and be modified in varied ways. Milk Kefir is sour and can be used like yogurt. Kefir is a probiotic. It's a salutary yeast & bacteria combination which helps the body suck in foods and excerpt calories. There are many condition benefits associated with having an increased furnish of salutary bacteria. Good for digestive and intestinal health. Other types of probiotics are yogurt, miso, and tempeth.

What's great about Kefir is that it is a probiotic that you can originate yourself, as long as you take care of it. Kefir is a living organism, so you must be truthful not to kill it. If you do things right, your Kefir will last a long time, and you will have plenty more that will grow from the first batch.

One of the things you need to be truthful of is to not use metal utensils or bowls with the Kefir. Best to use plastic or glass. Also, don't use chlorinated water or filtered or distilled water, as they do not have the minerals that the Kefir needs. If you do use filtered water, you must add minerals back by adding more ingredients (molasses, egg shell, baking soda, unrefined sugar).

Unrefined sugar is best to use with Kefir so that it will grow. It also makes the liquid more fizzy and carbonated when done (compared with refined sugar). Do not use honey as it has antibacterial properties which will inhibit growth. There are a lot of YouTube Videos on how to prepare Kefir. What you add to the Kefir depends upon what you want the final outcome to be.

The basic method was easy to do. Here is one way: Put in Kefir grains (approx. ¼ to 1/3 cup) in a large glass jar. Add approx. 1/3 cups of (unrefined is best) sugar, and fill up the jar with approx. 3 cups of water. You could also add dry unsulfured fruit for extra taste if you want. Stir with a plastic spoon, and cover with a paper towel, secured with a rubber band. Be sure to store it away from direct sunlight. After about 2 -3 days you will see the Kefir grains start to float towards the top of the jar, and growing bigger. The water will be cloudier, too. That means that the water is ready to consume.

Use a plastic colander/strainer and drain the kefir water from the jar into other container. You can drink this while a new batch is fermenting. Rinse the Kefir grains, and put Kefir grains back into a rinsed jar to repeat the process over again.

The Kefir water could be used as is, or fermentedagain for a bubblier, carbonated drink. To do the 2nd fermentation you need to get a bottle that closes tightly. Pour Kefir liquid in the bottle, and add fruit or 100% fruit juice. Use practically ½ cup of juice per 1 quart of Kefir liquid. Seal bottle, and shake. Leave on counter for 24 hours to ferment. After that, you can drink it over ice or put it in the refrigerator to have later (be sure to discard fresh fruit after 24 hours). Refrigeration helps to create bubbles, and protects the Kefir from over fermenting.

My favorite way to have Kefir is to make a Smoothie.

Here's the method I use:

Kefir Smoothie

Makes One Serving

1 cup Kefir liquid

1 cup frozen and/or fresh fruit (mixed berries)

1 Tablespoon olive oil or flaxseed oil

1 Tablespoon sugar

Mix in blender until smooth. Pour into a tall glass, drink with straw to forestall "brain freeze". Enjoy!

So many more recipes on the web. Try them out and see what works for you. Kefir is worth trying, you may be pleasantly surprised. By the way, our house is still having Kefir to this day.

What Is Kefir and Why Is It Good For You?

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