April 29, 2012

Great Side Dishes (Diabetic Friendly, Too) - Baked Squash, Cheddary Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts

Ready to try some new side dishes for your house meals? Try Baked Squash Texas-style, Cauliflower with Cheddar, or Brussel Sprouts with Yogurt and Pimento to give your meals a new look. These recipes are also good for potlucks, etc. The squash is a very tasty dish with a crunchy topping. The cauliflower method has directions for using frozen cauliflower, if you are in a hurry.

Baked Squash Texas-Style

5 lb medium-sized yellow squash

2 eggs, beaten

1 cup whole-grain bread crumbs + additional for topping

1 stick butter

1/4 cup Splenda

2 tbsp chopped onion

salt to taste

dash of black pepper

Cut tips off squash and cut each into about 4 pieces. Drop squash into a saucepan with enough boiling water to cover all the pieces. Return to boiling. Sacrifice heat and cook until tender. Drain in a colander; mash with a fork or masher. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Pour into a casserole dish that has been sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Top with additional bread crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees until bubbly.

Cauliflower With Cheddar Cheese

1 med head of cauliflower

2 cups water

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1 tsp dry mustard

1/2 cup mayonnaise

2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

1 tsp mayonnaise

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Wash cauliflower, take off stems and leaves and cut into bite-size pieces. Add water to a large saucepan and add cauliflower. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes, until tender; drain. Spray a medium baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Layer the cauliflower in the dish. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Integrate mustard and mayonnaise in a small bowl and mix well. Spread combination over the cauliflower. Sprinkle cheese and salad seasoning over the top. Bake at 350 until bubbly, about 10 minutes.

Note: For the busy cook, use frozen cauliflower florets and start by layering the cauliflower in the baking dish. This is a great timesaver on busy week nights.

Brussel Sprouts With Yogurt And Pimento

2 (10-oz) pkgs frozen brussels sprouts

1/2 cup thinly sliced onion

1 tsp butter, melted

1 cup plain unsweetened yogurt (preferably low-fat)

2 (4-oz) jars diced pimiento, drained

Cook brussels sprouts according to the container directions, omitting the salt and butter. Drain and set aside. In a large skillet, saute the onion in the butter. take off from the heat. Add the yogurt, pimiento, and brussels sprouts to the onion in the skillet; stir well to mix. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until heated through. Serve while warm.

This is a good diabetic dish as there are half as many proteins as carbs in this brussels sprouts dish.


Great Side Dishes (Diabetic Friendly, Too) - Baked Squash, Cheddary Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts

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April 15, 2012

What Is Kefir and Why Is It Good For You?

I recently received Kefir from my brother and his wife who has been taking it for over a month. He wanted the rest of the house to try it, too. Why would he want us to try it?

Water Kefir (what I received) looks like a crystal with a jelly-like texture. I was told that it is good to drink it's water or eat it as is. I tried some Kefir grains, and it was tasteless.

Kefir is a bacteria that eats sugar, and is good to have after fascinating high sugar foods. I had to do some research, and found out that Kefir was recommended in The 17 Day Diet, which has been widely received by millions of people. So, It must be good.

There are two types of Kefir: Water Kefir and Milk Kefir. Water Kefir can taste carbonated and bubbly, and be modified in varied ways. Milk Kefir is sour and can be used like yogurt. Kefir is a probiotic. It's a salutary yeast & bacteria combination which helps the body suck in foods and excerpt calories. There are many condition benefits associated with having an increased furnish of salutary bacteria. Good for digestive and intestinal health. Other types of probiotics are yogurt, miso, and tempeth.

What's great about Kefir is that it is a probiotic that you can originate yourself, as long as you take care of it. Kefir is a living organism, so you must be truthful not to kill it. If you do things right, your Kefir will last a long time, and you will have plenty more that will grow from the first batch.

One of the things you need to be truthful of is to not use metal utensils or bowls with the Kefir. Best to use plastic or glass. Also, don't use chlorinated water or filtered or distilled water, as they do not have the minerals that the Kefir needs. If you do use filtered water, you must add minerals back by adding more ingredients (molasses, egg shell, baking soda, unrefined sugar).

Unrefined sugar is best to use with Kefir so that it will grow. It also makes the liquid more fizzy and carbonated when done (compared with refined sugar). Do not use honey as it has antibacterial properties which will inhibit growth. There are a lot of YouTube Videos on how to prepare Kefir. What you add to the Kefir depends upon what you want the final outcome to be.

The basic method was easy to do. Here is one way: Put in Kefir grains (approx. ¼ to 1/3 cup) in a large glass jar. Add approx. 1/3 cups of (unrefined is best) sugar, and fill up the jar with approx. 3 cups of water. You could also add dry unsulfured fruit for extra taste if you want. Stir with a plastic spoon, and cover with a paper towel, secured with a rubber band. Be sure to store it away from direct sunlight. After about 2 -3 days you will see the Kefir grains start to float towards the top of the jar, and growing bigger. The water will be cloudier, too. That means that the water is ready to consume.

Use a plastic colander/strainer and drain the kefir water from the jar into other container. You can drink this while a new batch is fermenting. Rinse the Kefir grains, and put Kefir grains back into a rinsed jar to repeat the process over again.

The Kefir water could be used as is, or fermentedagain for a bubblier, carbonated drink. To do the 2nd fermentation you need to get a bottle that closes tightly. Pour Kefir liquid in the bottle, and add fruit or 100% fruit juice. Use practically ½ cup of juice per 1 quart of Kefir liquid. Seal bottle, and shake. Leave on counter for 24 hours to ferment. After that, you can drink it over ice or put it in the refrigerator to have later (be sure to discard fresh fruit after 24 hours). Refrigeration helps to create bubbles, and protects the Kefir from over fermenting.

My favorite way to have Kefir is to make a Smoothie.

Here's the method I use:

Kefir Smoothie

Makes One Serving

1 cup Kefir liquid

1 cup frozen and/or fresh fruit (mixed berries)

1 Tablespoon olive oil or flaxseed oil

1 Tablespoon sugar

Mix in blender until smooth. Pour into a tall glass, drink with straw to forestall "brain freeze". Enjoy!

So many more recipes on the web. Try them out and see what works for you. Kefir is worth trying, you may be pleasantly surprised. By the way, our house is still having Kefir to this day.

What Is Kefir and Why Is It Good For You?

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April 11, 2012

Mediterranean Diet Meals in 10 Minutes or Less

You can find dozens of books full of appetizing epicurean Mediterranean Diet menu recipes. But who has the time to slave over a rich French roux or a spicy Italian cioppino when they get home from work? Fortunately, with the right ingredients on hand, you can nothing else but whip up any estimate of light Mediterranean Diet meals in about five minutes. Here are a few ideas to get you started.


Mediterranean Diet meals for morning meal are typically light, but contain just adequate fat to keep you satisfied until lunch. While the French can get by on a coffee and croissant, that might be a stretch for most of us. A good option is to stir fresh or frozen berries into plain whole fat yogurt drizzled with a bit of honey. You can top it all off with a handful of unsweetened granola for extra crunch and protein. If you're more of a cereal person, shop colse to for an authentic muesli, a heartier version of granola.

The approved wisdom on eggs has been reversed in modern years, and it's now thought about perfectly healthy to eat 1-2 eggs a day. You can generate a great Greek-inspired egg scramble with red and green peppers, onion, olives, sun-dried tomatoes and a petite feta or goat cheese. Or have a boiled egg with a wedge of hard cheese and a slice of sourdough toast spread with olive oil or butter.


In the Mediterranean, lunch is often the largest meal of the day and can take two hours to eat followed by a nice nap! Unfortunately, most of us would find it hard to take a two-hour work lunch or find a boss willing to let us curl up under our desks for a siesta. Nonetheless, there's still a lot you can do to generate a quick and easy Mediterranean lunch that will carry you straight through the afternoon.

You can make a great lunch from a salad as long as it's not one of those wimpy low-fat salads-in-a-cup you find at most fast-food joints. Start with any fresh greens besides iceberg lettuce. You can find great bagged salads along with radicchio, spinach, Romaine or spring mixes in most grocery stores. Load it up with nuts, crumbled cheese, vegetables, chopped egg, anchovies - anyone you're brave adequate to try. Then drizzle the whole thing with a nice whole fat dressing. Vegetables are fat soluble, so the fat in a nice cream or oil dressing will help you suck up your salad. If you've created a richly-flavored salad, you may not want to overdo it with a strong dressing. A splash of extra-virgin olive oil works nicely.

Another way to extend your afternoon meal is with a few option enders. Bring a few bites of fancy cheese to nibble on after you stop your lunch. The extra fat will help carry you straight through the afternoon. Then treat yourself to a nice small quadrilateral of fine dark or bittersweet chocolate, nibbled moderately of course. This can be savored with a small cup of coffee for an extra afternoon pick-me-up if you want.


Since dinner is the meal most of us have the least energy to prepare, it's important to keep it simple, and it doesn't get any simpler then pasta. Penne and fusilli are fun alternatives to plain old spaghetti and hold toppings and goodies a lot better. Pasta with olive oil oil and shredded (not powdered) Parmesan or Romano cheese takes almost no time to get ready and is appetizing in its simplicity. Once you try it, you'll never go back to jarred spaghetti sauce. From there you can add anyone you want: sun-dried tomatoes, olives, capers, roasted vegetables, tomatoes with fresh basil and mozzarella, grilled salmon or tuna, etc. Make a bunch so you can have leftovers the next day for lunch.

Chicken, fish or pork seasoned with olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and some savory herbs such as rosemary or basil can be broiled or grilled in less than ten minutes. You can also toss in just about any oiled and seasoned vegetable for a healthy side that beats steamed broccoli any day. Some of the denser varieties like corn and zucchini take a petite longer to cook but are well worth the wait. Set some wild rice or couscous cooking while your prepping and seasoning and you'll have a great meal that will also give you leftovers for tomorrow's lunch.

And you...

How you eat is just as important as what you eat. Even though these Mediterranean Diet menu recipes are quick to make, you're missing the point if you wolf them down in less time than it takes to say antipasto. The true hidden to Mediterranean Diet meals is that they are meant to be enjoyed slowly. Only then will the true health and fitness benefits of the Mediterranean Diet open up to you.

Mediterranean Diet Meals in 10 Minutes or Less

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April 8, 2012

Desserts Are an leading Part of the Baby Shower Food Menu

Baby showers are not perfect without sweets! Desserts, fruit, and pastries add sweetness and charm to special events. Sweets are an foremost part of a baby shower, so do not forget to include them in your menu. If you have reservations in a restaurant, the restaurant will probably offer a sweetmeat menu from which you can choose your selection of sweets and post-meal indulgences.

If you are hosting the baby shower at a banquet hall or at someone's home, the sweetmeat menu is completely up to you to resolve on. You can make desserts fun, sweet, and baby themed to match your event. If there is a specific theme that you are focusing on, like "Pink Tea," make your sweetmeat menu nearby your theme. Popular sweets for baby showers are pastries, eclairs, truffles, fruits, chocolates, and the ever-classic cake.

Pastries and éclairs can be bought or baked. Visit your local bakery to find out about any special deals and offers that they can offer for a large quantity of pastries purchased. You can also find some good recipes online or in a cookbook, and bake the pastries yourself. A great alternative to this is to buy icy pastries at your local grocery store, or best yet, at a wholesale grocery store. These are affordable and scrumptiously delicious. B.J.'s and Costco supermarkets have extraordinary éclairs that nobody will ever know were bought frozen.

Trufas are a Latin American version of truffles. Truffles are not necessarily made out of chocolate in Hispanic countries, but can be made with coconut, vanilla, and other flavors. Two Popular flavors in Latin America are coconut and cocoa-flavored truffles. An easy formula for truffles calls for one can of sweetened condensed milk, a box of crushed vanilla wafer cookies, and a half of a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Cocoa, sweetened shredded coconut, and sprinkles are good add-ons.

Crush the cookies until you end up purely with cookie crumbs. Slowly add the sweetened condensed milk until you reach the desire consistency of tough clay. Add the vanilla flavoring along with the chosen flavor (cocoa, coconut, etc.). Use you own taste to resolve how much cocoa or coconut to use. Roll into small, round truffles. As a finishing touch, roll the coconut truffles nearby in shredded coconut, and roll the cocoa truffles in cocoa. Sprinkles are optional.

Fruits and dip is a salutary and fresh selection for a sweet treat. Serve apple slices, strawberries, pineapple, grapes, and melon alongside fruit dip, and you have got a extraordinary and nutritious treat! Popular choices for fruit dip are caramel, chocolate, and yogurt dip.

Chocolate is a must-have for any baby shower. Small chocolates can be bought in bulk and served on tiny cupcake cups, for an elegant touch. You can also buy pastel-colored white chocolate (sold in bags in most craft stores), melt it, and pour the melted chocolate into small baby-themed molds (also can be found at a craft store). Refrigerate, and voila: delicate and adorable miniature chocolates!

Whichever sweets you resolve to include in your menu, and whether or not you resolve to make or buy them, do not forget about the cake! whether you order it and have it made especially for your shower, or make it yourself, make sure that you are 100% satisfied with its outcome and that it ties into your baby shower theme.

Desserts Are an leading Part of the Baby Shower Food Menu

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April 4, 2012

A Smoothie Mix With Mangos

I love mangos! We used to live up north and I beyond doubt never heard of a mango growing up-we were strictly an apple, orange and banana family. But when we moved to the sun belt I discovered mangos and use them in foods and recipes whenever I can.

Because our family is into eating as wholesome as possible, fruit smoothies are a large part of our diet and we are always whipping up some a fruit smoothie mix with fresh or frozen mango chunks. We have used them with a wide range vegetable and fruit such as spinach, carrots, bananas, and strawberries. Not only are mangos a very tasty treat they are also one of those extra fruits that are very wholesome as well.

Mangos have very high amounts of vitamin C. So high in fact, a particular mango accounts for almost one half the Usda recommended daily amount for adults. And a diet using foods rich in vitamin C helps moderate both inflammations and respiratory problems. Along with the vitamin C, mangos also comprise vitamins A and E and minerals such as Iron, Potassium, and Magnesium.

As you can see, adding mangos to your diet is a spectacular, way to get the benefits of a amount of dietary nutrients.

Here is a very easy mango smoothie mix that will by all means; of course do wonders to start your day off right! It is quick and easy to make, low in fat and wholesome too!

  • 1 cup of mango chunks ( A fresh median size mango averages 130 calories)
  • 1 cup of child V8 Splash Diet Tropical Blend juice (only 10 fat per cup)
  • 1 teaspoon of Mila (great for omega 3 fatty acids and retention a general cholesterol level)

Place all ingredients in your mixer and blend until smooth. Served in a chilled glass or even a voyage mug to enjoy on the go!

A Smoothie Mix With Mangos

DC Motor Controller

April 1, 2012

Mixing healthy Vegetables for Healthier Snacks

I will give you some tips in order make a wholesome foods for snacking, lunch or dinner. You don't have to avoid or stop eating your favourite, I only make it more wholesome by add some vegetables on it. Do not think that this will be very annoying that you must cook twice, after the main menu then you put in order the vegetables. This is quite straightforward because instead of cooking a cut off side dish of vegetables, you can look for ways to add vegetables to other foods, mixing it in. Just about every dish can be served with some fruit or vegetable added. Here are some examples:

• Chicken breast: Top with fast sautéed mushrooms and tomatoes.

• Macaroni and cheese: Mix in green peas or chopped bell peppers.

• Meatloaf: Add shredded carrots or chopped tomatoes.

• Bean burrito: Add chopped bell peppers or broccoli and canned corn, top with tomato salsa.

• Spaghetti: Add chopped bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, or any other veggie to the sauce.

• Baked dishes and casseroles: Top with shredded zucchini or carrots for added texture.

• Peanut butter and jelly sandwich: Add sliced bananas.

• Scrambled eggs: Add diced vegetables or spinach.

• Macaroni, potato, chicken, or tuna salad: Defrost and mix in a holder of freezing mixed vegetables, or add fresh diced celery and carrots.

• Rice or other grain side dish: Add diced vegetables or mushrooms, mix in a can of diced tomatoes, or for a sweeter alternative add raisins and canned mandarin orange slices or chunks of sweet potato or butternut squash (available freezing and precut).

• Soups and chili: Homemade soups and chili are easy to make, and can be a flavorful way to introduce new kinds of vegetables. Nutritious green vegetables like kale mellow in flavor in soups, and the spices in chili add zest to zucchini, squash, peppers, okra, and cauliflower.

• Oatmeal or other hot cereal:Add raisins or dried apricots, blueberries, canned fruit, unsweetened applesauce, banana slices, apple chunks, or sliced strawberries.

• Sandwiches: always add vegetables to meat or cheese sandwiches; if lettuce and tomato gets boring, try sliced cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, spinach,cabbage, mushrooms, zucchini, or red onion.

• freezing yogurt, ice cream, and other desserts: If you serve desserts, always look for a way to add fruit to something kids will want to eat anyway: pineapple chunks, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, and mangoes are great toppings for freezing desserts or cakes. Or better yet, skip the ice cream and make a fruit smoothie with freezing fruit pieces blended with orange juice or milk.

Spice It Up

You don't have to drown vegetables and fruits in sugar, salt, or fat to make them palatable. A better alternative is to be creative with flavorings and make liberal use of spices. Try sprinkling cinnamon and nutmeg on sweet potatoes, butternut squash,or sliced warm fruit. Add garlic or lemon juice to vegetables, and use curry powder, chili powder, or cumin to make sautéed vegetables and meats more flavorful. straightforward additions, like chopped nuts, raisins, chives, herbs, or cheese can dress up a bland vegetable dish.

Borrowing from dissimilar cultures is also one of the best ways to invigorate a bland or monotonous menu. The same vegetables are fully transformed when steeped in an Indian or Thai curry, sautéed in a Chinese sauce, mixed into a Mexican dish, added to a Mediterranean salad, or simmered in a West African stew. With multicultural recipes precisely available in bookstores and on the Internet, we have the world at our fingertips. Whatever your cultural background, borrowing ideas from other people and places will increase the range of your meals and also expose your child to a wider scope of tastes.

Mixing healthy Vegetables for Healthier Snacks

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